With our PotatoEurope 2022 Newsletter, we bring you the latest news and keep you up to date regarding PotatoEurope Germany, taking place on 7-8 September at Rittergut Bockerode (near Hanover).
This edition includes a sneek peak from the event location, a link to download the freshly produced event catalogue, an update on our 'Smart Potato Farming' Special and much more!
Enjoy reading,
Your PotatoEurope Team
Update from the event location
Status: August 30, 2022 - On the exhibition grounds, the big tent hall is being set up and the fields are getting prepared. We are so close to ready to welcome all of you next week!
Available for download: The PotatoEurope 2022 catalogue
With the newly published PotatoEurope 2022 event catalogue, you get to know everything about our technical program filled with interesting Specials, the Machinery Demonstrations, our partners and exhibitors.
Save money, buy your PotatoEurope 2022 tickets online!
As PotatoEurope will take place soon, remember to start planning your visit to PotatoEurope 2022. Tickets are available in the DLG-Ticketshop and a day ticket purchased on site is priced at 24 euro, while online tickets purchased in advance costs you 19 euro!
At PotatoEurope 2022, we will highlight professional Smart Potato Farming tools that are increasingly conquering agriculture in general and potato cultivation in particular. Drones for example, can measure the temperature of the potato. Equipped with smart sensors and cameras, drones can also analyze leaf diseases and even the inside of the potato plant!
Though they won't actively be flying over the event location, drones will of course be part of PotatoEurope this year. Learn more about drones and many more digital and autonomous solutions that you can anticipate in potato production over the next few years during our Special on 'Smart Potato Farming' located at stands GE08 and GE14. On the demonstration field located next to the joint stand, panel discussions with demonstrations focusing on potato harvesting without a driver and smart crop protection technologies will be taking place three times a day: at 11.00 a.m., 1.00 p.m. and 3.00 p.m.
Use #PotatoEurope2022 and get featured on our social wall!
Will we see you on the exhibition grounds of PotatoEurope 2022, taking place next week? Remember to tag your pictures and comments with #PotatoEurope2022 and be part of our Social Wall!
With demo fields, an extensive Machinery Demonstration programme and several “Specials” focusing on a variety of themes, the PotatoEurope trade fair will once again attract potato professionals from all over Europe on September 7-8, 2022. To make sure you visit every exhibitor and get to see all products relevant for you, make sure to prepare your visit with our complete exhibitor list.
Are there any new trends for #PotatoEurope exhibitor EURO-Jabelmann Maschinenbau Gmbh? 'Environmental awareness is growing among customers and consumers. We see great potential in avoiding packaging waste in particular. Our new unpackaged vending machine offers great opportunities for both sides, as all forms of packaging can be dispensed with it! See what’s new in the #PotatoEurope2022 Special ‘On-Farm Processing and Marketing’